CHATEAU LEOVILLE LAS CASES シャトー・レオヴィル・ラス・カーズ 生産地:フランス ボルドー サン・ジュリアン 原産地呼称:AOC. SAINT JULIEN 格付け:第2級 品種:カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン、メルロ、カベルネ・フラン、プティ・ヴェルド 味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ
ワインアドヴォケイト:98 ポイント Rating 98 Release Price NA Drink Date 2035 - 2065 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 8th Apr 2022 Source April 2022 Week 1, The Wine Advocate The 2019 Leoville Las Cases is a brilliant young wine that will delight Bordeaux purists. Unwinding in the glass with scents of cassis, dark berries, cigar wrapper and pencil shavings, it’s full-bodied, layered and tightly wound, with a deep core of fruit, lively acids and an abundance of rich, powdery tannins. Concentrated and serious, much like its immediate neighbor Chateau Latour, it is likely to emerge as one of the vintage’s longest lived-and greatest-wines.
One of the greatest and most consistent estates of the Medoc, Leoville Las Cases is in terrific form today. The core of the estate is the 50-hectare "Clos," surrounded by walls and bordering the Gironde to the immediate south of its neighbor, Latour. In the vineyards, where Cabernet Sauvignon rules, the team are experimenting with cover crops and biodynamic methods, and in the cellars and chai, winemaking remains very traditional. The 2019 is one of the very finest wines of the vintage, though as ever, it is not intended for consumers seeking immediate gratification.
ジェームス・サックリング:98 ポイント CHATEAU LEOVILLE LAS CASES ST.-JULIEN 2019 Thursday, March 3, 2022 CountryFrance RegionBordeaux Vintage2019 Score 98 Currants and blackberries with crushed stones, bark and some conifer and pine cone. Perfumed. Discreet. Medium-to full-bodied with an integrated tannin structure that’s full of fine tannins that are weightless and seamless, building on the palate and coming out at the end. Needs five or six years to open. Texture of heavy silk. 79% cabernet sauvignon, 11% merlot and 10% cabernet franc. Try after 2027.
vinous:97 ポイント 97 Drinking Window 2028 - 2070 From: Omne Trium Perfectum: Bordeaux 2019s in Bottle (Feb 2022) The 2019 Leoville-Las Cases, bottled July 2021, retains the energetic, vivacious bouquet that I noticed last year from the barrel sample, offering intense blackberry, bilberry and still those faint shucked oyster shell scents in the background. The palate is medium-bodied with wonderful detail and precision, a mixture of black and blue fruit and enthralling clarity and length. Perhaps there is a little more creaminess in terms of texture toward the finish, a bit of "baby fat" that will be subsumed with time, so give this 8-10 years in bottle if you want to taste it in full flight. [Returning after 15 or 20 minutes, I discerned more pepperiness on the finish, and perhaps also less creaminess and more structure.] 14.02% alcohol. - By Neal Martin on December 2021
オーナーのドロン氏は伝統を大切にする古きよき家族経営の造り手で、ラスカーズの個性と品質を守り続けています。かつてひとつの畑であったものが分割され、シャトー レオヴィル ポワフェレ、シャトー レオヴィル バルトン、そしてシャトー レオヴィル ラスカーズとなりました。
生産地:フランス ボルドー サン・ジュリアン
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ
ワインアドヴォケイト:98 ポイント
Rating 98 Release Price NA Drink Date 2035 - 2065 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 8th Apr 2022 Source April 2022 Week 1, The Wine Advocate
The 2019 Leoville Las Cases is a brilliant young wine that will delight Bordeaux purists. Unwinding in the glass with scents of cassis, dark berries, cigar wrapper and pencil shavings, it’s full-bodied, layered and tightly wound, with a deep core of fruit, lively acids and an abundance of rich, powdery tannins. Concentrated and serious, much like its immediate neighbor Chateau Latour, it is likely to emerge as one of the vintage’s longest lived-and greatest-wines.
One of the greatest and most consistent estates of the Medoc, Leoville Las Cases is in terrific form today. The core of the estate is the 50-hectare "Clos," surrounded by walls and bordering the Gironde to the immediate south of its neighbor, Latour. In the vineyards, where Cabernet Sauvignon rules, the team are experimenting with cover crops and biodynamic methods, and in the cellars and chai, winemaking remains very traditional. The 2019 is one of the very finest wines of the vintage, though as ever, it is not intended for consumers seeking immediate gratification.
ジェームス・サックリング:98 ポイント
CHATEAU LEOVILLE LAS CASES ST.-JULIEN 2019 Thursday, March 3, 2022 CountryFrance RegionBordeaux Vintage2019 Score 98
Currants and blackberries with crushed stones, bark and some conifer and pine cone. Perfumed. Discreet. Medium-to full-bodied with an integrated tannin structure that’s full of fine tannins that are weightless and seamless, building on the palate and coming out at the end. Needs five or six years to open. Texture of heavy silk. 79% cabernet sauvignon, 11% merlot and 10% cabernet franc. Try after 2027.
vinous:97 ポイント
97 Drinking Window 2028 - 2070
From: Omne Trium Perfectum: Bordeaux 2019s in Bottle (Feb 2022)
The 2019 Leoville-Las Cases, bottled July 2021, retains the energetic, vivacious bouquet that I noticed last year from the barrel sample, offering intense blackberry, bilberry and still those faint shucked oyster shell scents in the background. The palate is medium-bodied with wonderful detail and precision, a mixture of black and blue fruit and enthralling clarity and length. Perhaps there is a little more creaminess in terms of texture toward the finish, a bit of "baby fat" that will be subsumed with time, so give this 8-10 years in bottle if you want to taste it in full flight. [Returning after 15 or 20 minutes, I discerned more pepperiness on the finish, and perhaps also less creaminess and more structure.] 14.02% alcohol. - By Neal Martin on December 2021
レオヴィル=ラス・カーズの成功の影には、誇り高く、毀誉褒貶(きよほうへん)のあるミシェル・ドゥロンの完璧主義的なワインづくりがある。彼を批判する人々は、そしてその数は多いのだが、彼が策略をもってワインを売ると主張する。その主張によれば、優れたヴィンテージの場合、意図的に価格を釣り上げるためにそれをけちけちと少量ずつ売る、というのである。しかし、彼のワインの、目を見張るほど優れた品質に疑問を呈する人間は一人もいない。彼のワインは、サン=ジュリアンのみならず、メドック全体においても最も優れたワインをつくろうという狂気じみた執念の産物なのである! 1986年のような豊作のヴィンテージに収穫高の50%以上を、あるいは1990年のように67%という驚愕すべき量を落とすようなことをする人物が、ほかにいるだろうか? セカンド・ワインだけでなくサード・ワインをも創案する人物が彼以外にいるだろうか? 空調のきいたワイン蔵(シェ)に気前よく大理石の床を敷く人物が、ほかにいるだろうか? 彼の好き嫌いはともかく、補佐役に有能なミシェル・ロラン(リブルヌの醸造学者ではない)やジャック・デポワジエールを従えたミシェル・ドゥロンは、メドックにおける最も偉大なワインのひとつをつくり出しているのである。
講談社 『BORDEAUX ボルドー 第3版』