掛け時計 鳥 小鳥 鳴き声 インテリア 12インチ Benail Singing Bird Wall Clock 12 Inch with New Design of the Bird Names and Songs
Benail Singing Bird Wall Clock 12 Inch with New Design of the Bird Names and Songs
32.8 × 32.3 × 5.6
・12 inch bird sound wall clock. According to the reviews, we have update the Bird Names and Songs. ・You can set up to make sound at AM hours as you want, please follow the instructions. ・Powered by 3 AA battery, ordinary Carbon Zinc battery, not Alkaline battery. ・Hooks included with the clock which ensures easy installation. ・Original Singing Bird Clock includes beautiful songs from twelve of the most recognized Song Birds in British or European-one at the top of each hour.
掛け時計 鳥 小鳥 鳴き声 インテリア 12インチ Benail Singing Bird Wall Clock 12 Inch with New Design of the Bird Names and Songs
掛け時計 鳥 小鳥 鳴き声 インテリア 12インチ Benail Singing Bird Wall Clock 12 Inch with New Design of the Bird Names and Songs
・You can set up to make sound at AM hours as you want, please follow the instructions.
・Powered by 3 AA battery, ordinary Carbon Zinc battery, not Alkaline battery.
・Hooks included with the clock which ensures easy installation.
・Original Singing Bird Clock includes beautiful songs from twelve of the most recognized Song Birds in British or European-one at the top of each hour.
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