It is the ink for the marker ink supplement type for the white board to use for a long time without using and throwing it away. I can supplement it with I put in an ink bottle, consenting it quickly easily. ◆Capacity: A bottle cap, the inner cap for exclusive use of approximately 30 ml of ◆ oiliness ink (alcohol system) ◆ ink supplement type: The PP body: PM-B101ND, PM-B102ND, PM-BL102D, PM-B103ND, PM-B113ND
It is the ink for the marker ink supplement type for the white board to use for a long time without using and throwing it away. I can supplement it with I put in an ink bottle, consenting it quickly easily. ◆Capacity: A bottle cap, the inner cap for exclusive use of approximately 30 ml of ◆ oiliness ink (alcohol system) ◆ ink supplement type: The PP body: PM-B101ND, PM-B102ND, PM-BL102D, PM-B103ND, PM-B113ND