*STAMPD スタンプド* Founded in 2009 by Chris Stampd, the west coast “avanstreet” accessories line represents contemporary luxury that has evolved past high street-wear whilst retaining its iconic styling cues. The line has grown to include a full lifestyle collection with nine capsules born under the STAMPD STAMPD is at the forefront of a new movement that at once embraces modern youth culture, and the timeless apparel of high quality product mixed with simple form. With quality always proceeding quantity, the brand continues to gain inspiration from west and east coast cultures, while growing methodically with their valued customers held at the highest regard.
M / 着丈:69 身幅:56 肩幅:50 袖丈:25 L / 着丈:70.5 身幅:58 肩幅:51.5 袖丈:26 XL / 着丈:72 身幅:60.5 肩幅:51.5 袖丈:27
STAMPD スタンプド GARMENT DYED PERFECT TEE SLA-M3364TE*STAMPD スタンプド* Founded in 2009 by Chris Stampd, the west coast “avanstreet” accessories line represents contemporary luxury that has evolved past high street-wear whilst retaining its iconic styling cues. The line has grown to include a full lifestyle collection with nine capsules born under the STAMPD STAMPD is at the forefront of a new movement that at once embraces modern youth culture, and the timeless apparel of high quality product mixed with simple form. With quality always proceeding quantity, the brand continues to gain inspiration from west and east coast cultures, while growing methodically with their valued customers held at the highest regard.
Founded in 2009 by Chris Stampd, the west coast “avanstreet” accessories line represents contemporary luxury that has evolved
past high street-wear whilst retaining its iconic styling cues.
The line has grown to include a full lifestyle collection with nine capsules born under the STAMPD
STAMPD is at the forefront of a new movement that at once embraces modern youth culture,
and the timeless apparel of high quality product mixed with simple form. With quality always proceeding quantity, the brand
continues to gain inspiration from west and east coast cultures,
while growing methodically with their valued customers held at the highest regard.
2009年にChris Stamp によって始められたLA発ブランド。
常に限定とクオリティーを重視したアート, アパレル, アクセサリー
・・ 前胸部と後首部にストライクロゴをプリント。
素材 100% Cotton(コットン)
M / 着丈:69 身幅:56 肩幅:50 袖丈:25
L / 着丈:70.5 身幅:58 肩幅:51.5 袖丈:26
XL / 着丈:72 身幅:60.5 肩幅:51.5 袖丈:27
*STAMPD スタンプド*
Founded in 2009 by Chris Stampd, the west coast “avanstreet” accessories line represents contemporary luxury that has evolved
past high street-wear whilst retaining its iconic styling cues.
The line has grown to include a full lifestyle collection with nine capsules born under the STAMPD
STAMPD is at the forefront of a new movement that at once embraces modern youth culture,
and the timeless apparel of high quality product mixed with simple form. With quality always proceeding quantity, the brand
continues to gain inspiration from west and east coast cultures,
while growing methodically with their valued customers held at the highest regard.
2009年にChris Stamp によって始められたLA発ブランド。
常に限定とクオリティーを重視したアート, アパレル, アクセサリー
・・ 前胸部と後首部にストライクロゴをプリント。
素材 100% Cotton(コットン)
T-shirt (半袖Tシャツ) 一覧ページはこちら!!