It is assembling-free and becomes independent well. "A movable steering wheel" to be able to draw only when it is necessary and with name pocket, back entry pocket. ●A standard: A4-E ● color: Navy ● materials: Form dimensions in polypropylene ●: ■ body weight kg with one piece of ● entry paper with width 108* length 243* 314mm in width ● name pocket, the back entry pocket: 0.484 ■ 個装幅 mm: 111 ■ 個装奥行 mm: 317 ■ 個装高 さ mm: 245 ■ 個装重量 kg: 0.484
It is assembling-free and becomes independent well. "A movable steering wheel" to be able to draw only when it is necessary and with name pocket, back entry pocket. ●A standard: A4-E ● color: Navy ● materials: Form dimensions in polypropylene ●: ■ body weight kg with one piece of ● entry paper with width 108* length 243* 314mm in width ● name pocket, the back entry pocket: 0.484 ■ 個装幅 mm: 111 ■ 個装奥行 mm: 317 ■ 個装高 さ mm: 245 ■ 個装重量 kg: 0.484