Horizontal type Various combinations. Please choose to suit your requirements. * In and out from the side. -Tagme-tag-ID card for hard-type of ID card for-dimensions: length 72 x 91 mm-case internal dimensions: height 54 x 86 mm-material: ABS resin-quantity: 10-JOINTEX original Jan:4547345012795 ? Body weight (kg):0.01 ◆ more interior width (mm): 100 ? pieces exterior depth (mm): 90 ◆ pieces exterior height (mm): 90 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.1
Horizontal type
Various combinations. Please choose to suit your requirements. * In and out from the side. -Tagme-tag-ID card for hard-type of ID card for-dimensions: length 72 x 91 mm-case internal dimensions: height 54 x 86 mm-material: ABS resin-quantity: 10-JOINTEX original
? Body weight (kg):0.01 ◆ more interior width (mm): 100 ? pieces exterior depth (mm): 90 ◆ pieces exterior height (mm): 90 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.1